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Royal Canin Vet Portal

Royal Canin is not only a renowned pet food supplier but also provides key services to veterinarians across Canada through their Vet Portal. This portal is used in over 90% of clinics across Canada, and this year we wanted to explore the ways we could make this experience better.


The primary focus of this research was to understand how the vet portal is currently being used in clinics across Canada, in order to identify key opportunities for improvement. Our secondary focus was to explore the inner workings of vet clinics as a whole, delving into the relationships between clinic staff and the pet owner's they see. This would allow us to surface any broader opportunities for growth in the future.


Our research process consisted of many interviews and an online survey. In our one-on-one interviews, we spoke to 40 staff members in 9 clinics across Canada, both in-person (in-clinic) and remotely. At the same time, we deployed an online survey that garnered 289 responses from veterinary clinics. After collecting all of this detailed data, we synthesized all that we had learned, pulling out reoccurring patterns and identifying opportunities. We also spoke to many stakeholders, to understand the requirements and needs of the business.​


All of this research and synthesis gave us an overwhelming sense of what could be improved in the vet portal experience. In order to visualize how Royal Canin's vet portal fits into a clinic's practice, I created a journey map. The purpose of the map is to show where the portal had room for improvement, and which tools clinics were turning to instead.

To wrap up the project, we created a three-pronged strategic roadmap outlining short-term and long-term recommendations for the vet portal and for the Royal Canin business.


The result of this research was an assignment to redesign the vet portal. This project took place in several phases, addressing one section at a time. I was able to also act as the lead designer on this project.

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